Therapy for Infertility and Loss

Helping you with grief, frustration, uncertainty, hopelessness, hormone overload, and the emotional rollercoaster of trying to have a child. Fertility struggles, infertility, fertility treatments, and pregnancy loss come with an immense load of physical and emotional pain. I can help you lighten your suffering during this difficult time.

As a woman who struggled with fertility and pregnancy loss myself, I get how hard the journey toward parenthood can be, and I understand how challenging it is trying to have a child. Walking the line of maintaining hope while managing expectations, all while being hyperaware of every change you feel in your body, injecting yourself with medications, attending innumerable appointments, repeated gynecological exams, and huge expense…it’s a lot. Every time you get your period the floor drops out from under you and despair closes in. If you go through all of this and finally get pregnant, only to suffer loss - words can’t capture the devastation. I can help you find your way through this process, feel your painful feelings without being dragged under, and figure out how to navigate your path forward.

Learn more about how I can help you, with a free 20 minute consultation.